

Once a pony is mine, it has a home for life although I realise that life has a way of throwing up all sorts of unexpected happenings so nothing can ever be guaranteed. There will sometimes be circumstances when keeping the horse will be impossible. However, I hate to think of the thousands of horses and ponies that change hands every week just because they no longer 'suit' the owner or because a child has 'lost' interest. This poem says it all.
Cordelia wanted a pony,
Equestrian ads were got,
Eight potentials identified,
All expensive but - so what?
Driving round the countryside,
With Ma and Pa in tow,
Seven soon discounted,
Now only one to go.
A little chestnut pony,
With sparkle in its eyes,
A coat like silk and stunning looks
It came as no surprise
That this one was the pony
Cordelia now chose,
The deal was done, the cheque made out,
A change of name to 'Rose'.
Five hours in the trailer
- A Bateson, top of range -
Rose nibbled on the haynet,
Her life about to change.
At last the ramp was lowered,
Destination: Manor Farm,
Cordelia stood there waiting,
The saddle in her arms.
Both Ma and Pa were beaming
With such parental pride,
The reins so tight they made Rose smile
On this her first 'new' ride.
Then after many hours
Of hands that did not yield,
The pony was at last turned out
Into an empty field.
Some little girls are fickle,
They drift from friend to friend,
Now Rose was left all by herself
At times, for days on end.
From 'Rose' to 'Fern' to 'Lavender'
Unwanted or outgrown,
The little chestnut pony
Was moved from home to home.
Our ponies lives depend on us,
Their future and their past,
So if you are about to buy,
PLEASE, make your home the last.

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I always pass on yourcomments to Major. He loves to hear them!