
The Norweigans are the trendsetters of the equine world.

Here is Morton wearing the 'toilet brush' creation

And Freya, donning the 'warrior' style.

Major says he's so glad he's a Highland!


  1. Great mane styles!
    The DOR clipped mine in a "stock horse" style, she thinks it makes my mane look thicker.
    I still like the long flowing mane look best.

  2. Ha! "Toilet Brush", that made me LOL. I've not seen that style before. I don't have the patience for the "warrior" style or the skills. I can't style my own hair either. I'm working on getting that nice roman arch to Marley's mane, but I just buzzed him a little too short a couple days ago. He had a pretty long mane when I bought him last June and it was so thick it pulled his crest over so I completely roached it then.

    I agree, those long, thick, fairly tale manes are gorgeous.

    Thanks for posting pics of Major's friends. It's fun to see all those ponies.

  3. OH! SWEET!! I love those styles.
    I also LOVE the header banner, with that fabulous view!

  4. I've never seen a creative cut like that second one on Freya! Are Fjord's manes always cut to stand straight up, or is that how they are?

  5. Hi ponyGirl,
    The two Fjords at the yard always have their manes cut like this but I think most people let them grow naturally long so they flop over the necks


I always pass on yourcomments to Major. He loves to hear them!