
 Hello again and apologies from my owner for not keeping her promise of updating my blog regularly.  Her excuse is that since she retired, she is busier than ever, although she still seems to find the time to see me everyday.  I'm looking forward to MY retirement.  My work seems to have increased since hers stopped.  Just look at me in the top photo.  Absolutely exhausted from carrying her up all those hills.  Someone ought to notify the horse charity immediately.
May was not a very good month for weather.  The grass took a long time to come in and I lost quite a bit of weight.  For some strange reason, this seemed to please my owner and even Sarah, the farrier, told her that I my weight was perfect.  All these humans are in league together on the issue of weight.  I see nothing wrong in carrying a few extra pounds.
 Anyway by the end of May, I was looking quite streamlined (for a Highland Pony).
 Since the, the weather has got much warmer and the grass is lovely and lush.  You can see the difference in my belly here while I'm waiting to cross the loch.  This is our favourite ride.  Nice and flat, lots of splashy water to cool us down when it's hot.
 I still lke playing in the school with my equine friends.  This one is Rodney.  Here we're staring each other out to see who is gong to make the first move.........
 .....then the fun really begins.  (You can get a good view of my belly in this picture!)
 Here, I'm with Hal, practising our trotting together
Then it's always good to end with a thorough grooming session - the harder the better!
Hopefully see you all again soon!


  1. Don't get me started on humans and weight. If only my human paid as much attention to her own weight issues as she does to mine.
    Looking very clean Major, is something wrong? I know humans go for the clean lean look but I prefer the au naturelle version myself. xxx

    1. Zoe - no, nothing wrong - you just caught me on a 'clean' day. Must have been a shortage of mud and dirt up on the hill where I go at night!

  2. And there I thought you had emigrated Major! lovely photographs, you are looking very handsome. x

    1. Ann - no plans to leave Scotland! Thank you for the compliment, as usual x

  3. Yes, seemed like you`d fell off the planet!

    1. Cheyenne - nice to know I was missed!


I always pass on yourcomments to Major. He loves to hear them!